Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Well, I know I haven't posted for awhile and I'm probably losing my core readers. I promise to post more soon. Lucy is doing awesome, and so are Mama and Papa.

Actually, we've been quite busy. I know its a little early to tell everyone, but I'm so excited I can't hold it in. PuddleMama is pregnant again! Lucy is going to be a big sister.

We call him.... PuddleDeuce!

UPDATE: April Fools! I got you (you know who you are!)

1 comment:

Daniel said...

I don't believe you. Well, I did... but that's just because I didn't see your post till this morning and my defenses were down. I'm like every April Foolster's dream mark.

Somebody convinced me that there was this guy in a gorilla suit up a tree. It was the best I've been gotten. He made it seem plausible *because* it was April 1. I am so incredibly gullible, that I still sort of believe him.