Monday, April 27, 2009

PuddleBaby Prediction Contest Winners

Winning Lottery Numbers:

Date: March 2nd
Sex: Girl
Weight: 7 lbs. 12 and 3/4 oz.

This post is long past overdue, but I finally went through the guesses and figured out the winners. Note, all three correctly guessed the date. 1st and 2nd place correctly guessed the sex as well.

First Place: "Puddlegramma in Duluth's co-worker" with a weight guess within 2 and 1/4 oz!
Second Place: "Dan the Man Weaver"
Third Place: "Grandma Duluth's Hawaii Friends"
Consolation: Anyone who is willing to label themselves with a "Puddle" before their relation to Lucy. For example, PuddleGrandma, PuddleUncle, PuddleDaddysFriendFromIBM, etc. You are all winners if you are willing to do that.

While I have had complaints that "Puddlegramma" (aka "Grandma Duluth") stacked the guesses with phantom friends and co-workers, there was no explicit rule against this. I promise to amend rules next time to require contestants to enter their own guesses. For now, however, I might have to ask PuddleMama how we can fit postage to Hawaii into our monthly budget.

Prizes to be distributed at the convenience of issuer, but all contestant winners can immediately brag to their friends and be filled with a sense of achievement and satisfaction that they are the brightest baby predictors to read this blog. Congratulations!

1 comment:

Grandma Duluth said...

Puddlegramma Duluth (I used the name) assures all that her friend and coworker are real. And they LOVE hearing about Lucy! the added bonus is that the co worker who won sits opposite of Puddlemama Duluth and is willing to face the autographed photo so that I get to see it also. Isn't she a good co worker?