Sunday, March 1, 2009


We're checked into the hospital and PuddleMama is all set to be ripened. I'm posting from my iPhone so if this post and any more I do while in the hospital lack the normal wit and detail it's because its a bit tougher to type. So short and sweet. It's surprisingly calm right now, but I feel the storm a brewing.... Brewing... Dang. Why didn't I bring a four pack of Surly coffee bender?! Note to self for next time: don't forget beer. Note to potential hospital visitors: sneak me in a beer.

1 comment:

Barbara Moisan said...

Hello from good 'ol MA. We're thinking about you and sending our blessings that all goes well. Anxiously awaiting to become a "GREAT" aunt and a "GREAT" uncle as you are waiting to become "GREAT" parents!! Lots of love to all and kisses and bunches of cuddles to puddlebaby. Imagine puddlebaby will have a new name! How cool is that?*!*? (: