Saturday, January 5, 2008

Just a Twinkle in PuddleDaddy's Eyes

The question has certainly come to mind whether starting a blog on being a father before PuddleMama is actually pregnant may be a bit premature. Of course, for the same reasons most pregnancies do not become common knowledge before the second trimester, I will not generally publicize this humble blog for awhile still. So anyone reading the blog who believes I was premature can be consoled by the fact the prematureness is no longer an issue.

Still, I feel I must justify such an early start. I could argue that it is late to begin such a blog. I certainly have already had many experiences in my life that could be argued were the start of my understanding of fatherhood (of course "blogging" did not exist when most of the following occurred, even the experiences I actually remember:)
  • when I was born
  • when I first said "dad"
  • when I first thought my dad was superman
  • when I first realized my dad wasn't superman
  • when I realized my dad really was superman
  • when I took my first sex-ed class
  • when I first got PuddleDog
  • when I first met PuddleMama
  • when I proposed to PuddleMama
  • when PuddleMama and I were married

Note, I did keep the list PG... Maybe I will revisit some of the above in future posts, for they already have shaped my idea of what being a father is, but I do understand its much like reading a how-to book on skiing without ever having actually skied.

So I decided to start my blog here:

  • when PuddleMama and I decided we are ready to try for children

Now for the fun part! So today we did the first step any couple should accomplish to conceive a baby...... We plugged some data into (what did you think was the first step! As you can tell from my list, this blog is PG, considering the main audience will be my mama and PuddleMama's mama.)

Let me tell you, the results were spectacular, including adding what is I am sure to be the first of many new words to my vocabulary during this process- luteal phase. I will leave it up to the reader to Google the definition, as I have some work to do...

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