Monday, March 8, 2010

Partied. Out.

Lucky's one year bash was a roaring success! Cake was eaten (or at least smashed,) presents were unwrapped, and general merriment ensued. The love surrounding Lucky was amazing to say the least. However, there are always a few lessons to be learned:

1. Get more Rolling Rock.
2. Don't forget the (awesome) seven layer salad in the fridge.
3. Invite more kids. The chaos level needs to be kicked up a notch, and keg stands are no longer a viable option.
4. Dress Lucky up in more embarrassing outfits (see below.)
5. Walk/Run away as fast as possible when Papa Willy starts talking about the bottle opener in his pocket.

We didn't dress up Lucy too embarrassingly at her party, as seen here holding two of her favorite things- crackers and a picture of herself:

However, Lucy did get a hula outfit for her birthday direct from Hawaii via Grandma and Papa Duluth. I felt it was only right to share the outfit here:

Oh what (embarrassing outfits) will the next year bring?!

1 comment:

Grandma Duluth said...

You're such a good daddy! Lucky thanks you! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and Lucy with us all. She's a riot!!!