Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Laugh 1, 2, and 3

Lucy Kleczka laughed for the first time last night! It was amazing. Brief, but amazing. PuddleMama was attending baptism class and my good friend Seriously Dangerous Nick was hanging out with Lucy Kleczka and I (so there was another witness to this feat.) I immediately called up PuddleMama to brag that I just heard Lucy Kleczka laugh for the first, second, and third time. I heard the mixture of excitement and disappointment at not being there from PuddleMama that I expected. I appreciated PuddleMama's Facebook status later that night.

PuddleMama missed her daughter laugh for the first time. Effing baptism class!


I always anticipated that watching "firsts" would be an exciting and rewarding part of parenthood, but there is simply no way to anticipate the joy of watching your little girl start smiling because of gas, then smiling bigger because of gas, then start smiling because of you, then start smiling bigger because of you, then start almost-almost-laughing, then start almost-laughing, and then finally letting out a smiling, gurgling "Heh!" that makes your heart melt. Ridiculously amazing.

PuddleMama asked, as I'm sure most of you would, what I was actually doing to make Lucy Kleczka laugh. Well, I was actually just talking to Seriously Dangerous Nick. We were laughing quite a bit, so Lucy Kleczka just felt like she had to join in. Don't worry Seriously Dangerous Nick, I think she was laughing with us, not at us.

More please Lucy Kleczka!

FYI: I am not going senile. I did a google search on "Lucy Kleczka" and no hits were returned when I used the quotes. Hence I used "Lucy Kleczka" instead of just "Lucy" in this blog post to hopefully create some concrete hits on google. For the record, this blog did return as the 5th link if you did a search on Lucy and Kleczka without the quotes.

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