Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First Prenatal Visit

PuddleMama is in the eighth week of pregnancy, and today we went for our first prenatal visit today. Of course this being our first child, neither of us have experienced a prenatal visit before. However, I felt at a decided disadvantage because not only was I experiencing my first prenatal visit, I was experiencing my first ever doctor appointment in general that included things like "pap smear", "breast exam", clamps, "external palpation", or the "tool." Wow.

Questions were asked, exams were given, blood was taken, and more appointments were scheduled (including an ultrasound in two weeks!) Everything appears to be healthy as of now, although for some reason I expected to feel more confident about that fact after the appointment. Maybe this is because for most of the appointment I stared intently at the corner of the room away from where the exam was being done.

We are pumped for the ultrasound in two weeks, even if the appointment is at 7:15 a.m.

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