Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Katie Helen

Until the day I was born, my name was destined to be "Katie Helen." A lovely name, yes, but fortunately my parents took mercy once they counted to 21 and named me more appropriately. My mother was certain I was a girl, or at the very least had a "preference" for one. Although my little pecker provided a minor disappointment (wow could that sentence be embarressing taken out of context) my mother has assured me she still loved (loves) me........... Even if I was dressed up in little girl clothes on more than one occasion (note all occurrences before I had a say in the matter.)

Anyway, a hot topic is whether PuddleMama and I will find out the sex before the birth. The answer is yes, on October 21st. The results will be posted here immediately, so check back soon. In the meantime, PuddleMama and I have gone through a series of home tests, to give any curious souls who can't wait another month an indication which way the fates are pointing. Once you have reviewed the facts, be sure to vote your feeling with the poll on the right!

Chinese Lunar Chart
A chart was found in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing, and is said to be over 90% accurate in predicting sex. Result is based on age of mother (26) and month of conception (June.)

Hang a wedding ring on a string over mother's belly.
Pendulum motion = Boy, Circular motion = Girl
BOY (Even when PuddleMama tried to hold it!)

Where is the extra weight on the mother?
Out front = Boy. Hips and bottom = Girl.

How fast is the hair on the mother's legs growing?
More quickly = Boy, No change = Girl

Where is the baby being carried?
Low = Boy, High = Girl

How cold are the mother's feet?
Colder = Boy, No Change = Girl

Which direction is the mother's pillow at night- north or south facing?
North = Boy, South = Girl

Does the mother refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread?
No = Boy, Yes = Girl

Is the father gaining weight along with the mother?
Yes = Boy, No = Girl

What is the maternal grandmother's hair color?
Gray = Boy, Other = Girl

Did the mother have morning sickness?
No = Boy, Yes = Girl

Does the mother look particularly good during pregnancy? (Girls steal their mother's looks)
Yes = Boy, No = Girl
INCONCLUSIVE (PuddleDaddy and PuddleMama had mixed opinions- obviously PuddleDaddy predicts a boy based on this test)

Has the mother's chest development been dramatic?
No = Boy, Yes = Girl

Is the mother's urine bright neon or dull yellow?
Bright neon = Boy, Dull yellow = Girl

Has the mother been craving sweets more or salty/sour more?
Salty/Sour = Boy, Sweets = Girl

Has the mother been craving meats/cheese or fruit more?
Meats/Cheese = Boy, Fruit = Girl

Has the mother's nose spread during pregnancy?
Yes = Boy, No = Girl

Is the baby's heart rate above or below 140 beats / minute
Below = Boy, Above = Girl

Has the mother been craving orange juice every day?
No = Boy, Yes = Girl

Is the mother having headaches?
Yes = Boy, No = Girl

Does the mother's abdomen look more like a watermelon or a basketball?
Basketball = Boy, Watermelon = Girl

Mix the mother's urine with Drano.
Brownish Color = Boy, Clear = Girl
INCONCLUSIVE (See previous post, test not performed for safety reasons)

Girl = 12 (54.5%)
Boy = 8
Inconclusive = 2 (9%)
Margin of Error = +/- 100%

PuddleMama was satisfied with these results. I'm a bit more skeptical. If you know any other home tests to try, send me a note and we'll add 'em to the list. We'll use this post as a benchmark for the next kiddo that comes along...

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