Having thought about it a bit more, I've decided in good conscience I can't say no. In fact, I need to do more than go, I need to fully and whole-heartily participate. I've already started coming up with a list of questions:
- What are good methods for "pumping-and-dumping" while on the go?
- If we run out of 1%, can PuddleMama's milk get us through till Wednesday?
- What can I do as a father to maximize the milk production factory?
- How do I not look tired and cranky when I'm really tired and cranky as I sit up with PuddleMama in the middle of the night?
- Breast feeding is a beautiful experience and I can stare all I want. RIGHT?!
Now, I can almost hear the male readers groaning and thinking my first response (reluctance) was right on- why the heck would I be caught dead in that class? Well, I've consciously decided that I'm "all in" on this deal. Not to get too sappy, but this is my family, and it's that damn important. "I don't want to have any regrets" is often overused. I won't go as far as saying anything that pretentious. I will say, if I have regrets I want it to be because I was too involved, and I did too much- not the other way around.
I can catch the baby as it shoots out? Sign me up. Do I want to cut the umbilical cord myself? You betcha. Do I want to mix PuddleMama's pee with Drano to see if we're having a boy or a girl? Uhm.... well.... YES! Breast feeding class? Easy- Wednesday's work best for me.
Besides, the more stories I have to absolutely embarrass PuddleBaby with as he grows the better (or as she grows, Drano test still pending.)
UPDATE: Apparently the Drano test is considered quite dangerous- surprisingly, mixing urine and Drano can create potentially toxic and explosive results (a fact I am glad no one told me when I was in high school.) Unless we can find a chemical engineer with a safe lab we may pass on this test, so that may not have been the best example for my "Just say YES" post, but you get the idea.
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