Sunday, June 26, 2011


PuddleDeuce is coming in Nov. Wednesday we're going to try to find out if its a boy or girl, so we're going to run the sex predictor tests that were right last time to see what we come up with this time:

Chinese Lunar Chart
A chart was found in an ancient royal tomb near Beijing, and is said to be over 90% accurate in predicting sex. Result is based on age of mother (29) and month of conception (February.)

Where is the extra weight on the mother?
Out front = Boy. Hips and bottom = Girl.

How cold are the mother's feet?
Colder = Boy, No Change = Girl

Does the mother refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread?
No = Boy, Yes = Girl

Is the father gaining weight along with the mother?
Yes = Boy, No = Girl

What is the maternal grandmother's hair color?
Gray = Boy, Other = Girl

Does the mother look particularly good during pregnancy? (Girls steal their mother's looks)
Yes = Boy, No = Girl
INCONCLUSIVE (PuddleDaddy and PuddleMama had mixed opinions- obviously PuddleDaddy predicts a boy based on this test)

Has the mother's chest development been dramatic?
No = Boy, Yes = Girl

Is the mother's urine bright neon or dull yellow?
Bright neon = Boy, Dull yellow = Girl

Has the mother been craving meats/cheese or fruit more?
Meats/Cheese = Boy, Fruit = Girl

Has the mother's nose spread during pregnancy?
Yes = Boy, No = Girl

Is the baby's heart rate above or below 140 beats / minute
Below = Boy, Above = Girl

Has the mother been craving orange juice every day?
No = Boy, Yes = Girl

Does the mother's abdomen look more like a watermelon or a basketball?
Basketball = Boy, Watermelon = Girl

Mix the mother's urine with Drano.
Brownish Color = Boy, Clear = Girl
INCONCLUSIVE (We still didn't do this test)

Girl = 6 (40%)
Boy = 7
Inconclusive = 2 (13.33%)
Margin of Error = +/- 100%


1 comment:

Grandma Duluth said...

Dad: Boy (He has his reasons)
Mom: Girl (I said Boy last time and was wrong....)