Saturday, September 19, 2009

Stink Face

Yes, yes, I'm sorry I haven't written for so long. Actually, I probably owe the biggest apology to Lucy- the last three months of your life were wonderful, and I failed to document them properly. Well, I failed to document them on this blog properly. In my head I can still see all of the following very clearly, and I doubt these images will ever fade:

1. Your stink-face when you first tried squash. I would have thought your puckered lips and prune face indicated you'd rather have mashed peas or banana's, but when you immediately opened wide and leaned forward for another mouthful I knew you were in love. You did give another stink-face at the second bite, but leaned in even more quickly for the third bite than you did for the second.

2. Your toothy smile when we first noticed you had two bottom teeth poking through. Five months- just like your pops! Maybe that means you'll need braces someday like your pop too. I just hope you don't need the head gear....

3. Your proud chewing after your little hand with two or three puffs stuck to it finally scooped one successfully into your mouth. Yes, it might have been a fluke, but that puff sure looked like it tasted good. You're now an old pro- you like to to scoop as many cheerios or puffs into your mouth as you can before chewing.

4. Your giggle as you grabbed PuddleDoggy's ear for the first time (yes, you did more than eat the last three months, although you might not know it since you were off the charts in height and weight at your 6-month doctor's appointment.) You do love your puppy, even if he's a little cautious around you still. PuddleDoggy likes to nap next to your crib with you.

5. Your vertical as you jump up and down in your jumper (you're doing it as I write this.) Actually, you prefer side-to-side over up and down, but either way you have more rhythm and dance moves at 6 months than your parents do combined (sorry PuddleMama, it's the truth.) PuddleMama likes to play some good dance music when you're in your jumper.

6. Your babbling. I fell in love with your mama on our first date when she talked for 25 minutes straight uninterrupted after I picked her up. I could listen to your babble and giggles and coo's even longer, and I do.

7. Your love of remote controls. You love them. For awhile you had trouble because your motor skills were limited and you ended up nailing yourself in the head with them. You're much better now, and other than trying to take a bite out of one every now and again, you're pretty adept with them as well.

The fall promises to be as busy as the summer- we're working on a new home for our family, and maybe a new ladybug room for Lucy.....

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