Wednesday, October 22, 2008

PuddleBaby wants to be a.....for Halloween!

PuddleBaby, although shy about his/her privates, was not shy at all about what he/she wanted to be for Halloween. I'm not quite sure how PuddleBaby got the skeleton mask into the uterus, but pictures don't lie:

After showing off the costume, PuddleBaby proudly displayed a pointy chin (definitely a trait from PuddleMama's side of the family:)

After proving she was indeed PuddleMama's offspring, PuddleBaby was getting a little surly and showed us his/her dukes. Put 'em up!

And finally, after even more intense ultrasounding, PuddleBaby had had enough and gave us the full moon:

Not even out of the womb and PuddleBaby can moon like a true member of the family. We are so proud.

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