Lucky is over 14 months now, and cute as ever. Here are a few of my most favorite
cutenesses recently:
1. Lucky knows where her tongue is thanks to Grandma Patsy, but doesn't know where her nose is (when asked where her tongue is, she sticks it out. When asked where her nose is, she grabs her tongue instead of just sticking it out.) Grandma Patsy- work on the nose next, okay?
2. Lucky doesn't know how to say "no" but says "
yah" all the time. The combination of #1 and #2 make me even more afraid of the teenage years, as if I wasn't already worried enough.
3. Lucky's vocabulary is limited to: "
yah", "
dada", and "
ticko ticko ticko" (tickle tickle tickle.) Yes, she'll say tickle tickle tickle but not mama. Actually, she did say mama for one day, which leads us to believe she intentionally says "
dada" instead of mama, especially since an evil laugh usually follows.
4. Lucky will make a constant gurgling sound when
PuddleMama takes her for a run in the stroller. This is, of course, so that when she goes over bumps the gurgling changes sounds and she can laugh at herself.
5. Lucky loves
Nilla Wafers more than anything else in this world. She knows how to get them too- whine at
PuddleMama or smile at
dada. In our house, they are known as "
6. Lucky also loves to let
PuddleDoggy outside. She runs to the door and needs to go outside to let him into the yard, or back into the house. She loves her puppy.
7. Lucky carries around one of her little dresses with shoulder straps as a "purse" and often will put her "cell phone" (a fake wood piece of bread) into the purse after chatting baby-alien
jigaboo into it.
8. Actually, Lucky uses pretty much every single toy she has as a phone. Lucky using a remote control as a phone is one thing. Lucky using a fake plastic frying pan as a phone is an indication she
sees PuddleMama talking on the phone too much.
9. Lucky learned how to high-five yesterday. I hope this doesn't go the way of her saying "mama" and become a one day skill, because her giving me a high five is so.... awesome.
10. And my most favorite- Lucky smiles at everything. Take her out of her stroller? Smile. Give her a grill cheese? Smile. Pick her up? Smile. Set her down? Smile. See her when I get home? Smile. And it is the most fabulous smile ever (she
gets it from