Lucky is one.
The months have flown by. Lucky changes so much every day I am intimidated by trying to keep up with her on this blog. The biggest physical change is she's walking like a champ now. Actually, more like a linebacker. She doesn't go around anything. She'll walk right over laundry, toys, other kids. If she falls she laughs and gets right back up. She is definitely tough. Her attempts to play tug with Clancy are hilarious. She'll bat the ring at his face until he grabs it and pulls her over. She actually won today because Clancy wasn't used to her hanging on for so long. Even Clancy is amazed by her daily changes.
Lucky's big b-day bash is on Saturday with family and a few close friends. I definitely have a new perspective on birthdays now. It sounds so obvious, but having a child with a birthday gives you a new view. I always remember my mom reminiscing about the day I was born every August 15th, but of course I didn't remember the day, so I thought about cake and presents and the end of summer (my mom would always remind me of that one.)
Now I'm the one reminiscing with PuddleMama about watching Celebrity Apprentice in the hospital when Lucky was negative one days old. I'm the one remembering what PuddleMama's..... face... looked like when Lucky arrived. I'm the one remembering holding Lucky for the first time and wondering when her head wouldn't look like a purple cone-head. Birthday's definitely take on a whole new meaning when I look into Lucy's baby blue eyes.
We gave Lucky a kitchen for her birthday. It comes with pots and pans, a "stainless" steel fridge, and more. Lucky is already whipping up meals and pretending to eat them. She hates eggs and chocolate, loves spicy pickles (but cries after eating them), and loves to sit on daddy's lap while he eats supper. Lucky seems to use her left hand more than her right when eating real or imaginary meals, which I am encouraging if for no other reason to add another nickname beginning with "L" to her aliases.
Oh, and she loves, LOVES, to brush her teeth after said meals. Where did that come from and why isn't my toothpaste so good I cry when someone takes my brush away?
I know everyone says it, but I already think she's growing up too fast.
Happy first birthday Lucky!