Friday, February 27, 2009

Woo-K, here we go.

PuddleMama will be induced on Monday. We go in on Sunday night for "softening" and then the real fun begins Monday morning. Dr. Woo will be on call on Monday, so "Woo Kleczka" (Woo-K for short) just may be a dark-horse in the name race.

We had a bit of a scare last night as PuddleMama took a spill on some ice walking out of Target. We went in to get her checked out to make sure everything was okay. They monitored PuddleBaby for a few hours and the little bugger checked out good as far as they can tell. You hear that PuddleBaby? When you read this 18-20 years from now you can blame all your troubles on being dropped before you were even out of the womb! You knew it! PuddleMama is a little sore in the groin area (that's what got us into this mess!) but otherwise okay.

Since its so close to the the big birth-day, I thought I'd give everyone a little hint on the name. For both boy and girl, the leading names would result in the following initials:


Can't you just picture the 2nd grade grade make-your-initials-out-of-macaroni art project?

Okay seriously, the leading contenders for names are:

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

PuddleBaby BETTER be able to read at six months!

Haven't used bullet points in awhile, so here is one of those lazily thrown together posts without a central theme, but some fun points nonetheless:
  • PuddleMama had her weekly appointment today and, yes, the cervix is indeed thinning.
  • Doc is going to schedule the inducement for March 1st, which puts the likely birth date as March 1st or 2nd.
  • "Oh crap" continues to make up the majority of my thoughts these days.
  • We have tried some inducement methods.
  • Yes, even the ones you're thinking of- it was Valentines day for Pete's sake.
  • That's what got us into this mess! *rim-shot*
  • We went to a pediatricians informational session tonight, which was very close to useless.
  • The most interesting part was when a father-to-be (who looked to be about 21) starting rambling about some teach your baby to read system that he was going to start using at three months old. The system is supposed to guarantee your baby becomes the next Einstein. He was quite convinced in the value of the system, as he had "read many good things about it online."
  • PuddleMama's belly button has still not popped... I'm already looking forward to pregnancy number two for another shot at this achievement.
  • It is an extremely weird feeling to know that a day in the next two weeks will change my life forever. FOR-EV-ER.
  • We continue to feel blessed with all our family and friends supporting us.
  • "Boy" has made quite a comeback and passed "Girl" on the gender poll. Race isn't over yet though.
  • No Mom, I am not giving you a hint what names are the front-runners for boy and girl.

I hope at this point "Stay tuned for news" doesn't need to be said, but its a good way to end a post anyway, so.... Stay tuned!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Oh Crap! Oh Crap! Oh Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap!

The baby comes when the baby is ready right? Well, maybe. At PuddleMama's appointment today the doctor mentioned that if PuddleMama does not go into labor naturally they would induce by week 39 because of the gestational diabetes. By my Minnesota math this means the baby will be here by March 2nd (Jill, if you're reading this please make this an exercise in your algebra class today to double-check the figure.) Go ahead and read the title of this blog again. By far 90% of my thoughts since I heard this news today have consisted of some variation of those words.

I know what you're all thinking right now. "But I guessed [date after March 2nd] for the birth date!" Well, so did I. Luckily, according to the official sweepstakes rules you can change your answer up until the 15th. If you're reading this post after the 15th- lesson learned, check the blog for updates more often.

The next question I know everyone will ask is: "Are you ready?"

I would be crazy to think we are, but at least the things we have some control over are ready. The office is now half-office, half-nursery. The car seat is installed. We have had a talk with PuddleDoggy about his new role as big brother. Our hospital bags are packed. Our birth plan is written (thanks for the suggestions!) We have lots and lots of books waiting to be read, and (corniness warning) all the love in the entire world ready to give PuddleBaby.

Oh Crap! Oh..... crap..... Oh crap crap crap crap crap crap crap....